JAKARTA - Bekasi Regency, West Java will be 'locked' when the policy to prohibit the homecoming of Eid Al-Fitr 1442 Hijriah will take effect on May 6-17, 2021.

"Access in and out will be closed for those who want to travel back and forth," said Bekasi Metro Police Chief Commissioner Hendra Gunawan, in Cikarang, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 4.

Hendra emphasized that a number of arterial roads, toll roads, and alternative route access would be heavily guarded by hundreds of police personnel for 24 hours.

He also ensured that no homecomers would be able to escape from the Bekasi Regency during the implementation of the homecoming ban.

"Bekasi Regency is the last defense, so we are doing the insulation. We have 514 police personnel assisted by Satpol PP, Dishub, and the Bekasi District Health Service," he said.

According to Hendra, this year's homecoming blockage is not much different from last year's homecoming blockage, the difference will be applied even more strictly.

Officers in the field have also detected their mode of wanting to go home in the midst of the Lebaran ban on homecoming.

"The modes are the same, there are towing vehicles, logistical vehicles, hiding in bus toilets, bus luggage, traversing mouse lanes, or sledding boats, we already know everything," he also said.

He said there were at least seven blocking posts in the Bekasi Regency area, including Cibarusah, Kedungwaringin, Setu, Cibeet Bridge, and three toll gates, namely West Cikarang, Cibatu and Central Cikarang.

He also established seven service posts at tourist attractions, in order to minimize the occurrence of crowds. In addition, 222 service posts and 116 security posts will also be built throughout the Bekasi Regency area.

"We are doing our utmost, then there will be sanctions for those who violate them at the time of the isolation," he also said.

For travel vehicles, if they are caught traveling back and forth, they will take action, not just turning them around, but they will be detained to be given penalties in the form of fines or imprisonment.

"We will also monitor vehicles, especially illegal travel, as well as official travel that violates the route. Later, we will get a penalty in the form of imprisonment or a fine," he said again.

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