JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the request for a judicial review of Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

The judicial review of the KPK Law was proposed by former KPK commissioners Agus Rahardjo, Laode M. Syarif, and Saut Situmorang, as well as several other people.

"As for the verdict, to judge in provisional refusal of the petitioners' request for provision, in the prokok of the petition, they completely reject the petition," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman at the Constitutional Court Building while tapping the hammer, Tuesday, May 4.

The panel of judges is of the opinion that the petitioners' petition is legally groundless in its entirety. Then, the Constitutional Court Judge Wahiddudin Adams had a dissenting opinion regarding the formal petition for judicial review of the KPK Law.

For information, three former KPK commissioners submitted requests for judicial review (JR) of Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law Number 30 of 2002 concerning the KPK.

The three KPK commissioners submitted applications on behalf of individuals and Indonesian citizens. In total, there are 13 applicants under their personal names. Among them are former KPK commissioners Mochammad Jasin and Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas, as well as a number of other anti-corruption activists.

In this petition, they submitted a formal judicial review, namely a review of the process of forming a Law. Broadly speaking, there are three points that are not in line with the requirements for the formation of laws in the KPK Law.

First, the deliberation process was carried out in a hurry, the Law did not enter the National Legislation Program but suddenly appeared. Second, the discussion does not involve public consultation.

In fact, the inventory list of legal problems was not shown to the KPK as the main stakeholder. Third, about academic papers that have never been shown to the public.

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