JAKARTA - The defendant in the case of suspected crowds and violators of the health protocol (prokes) Rizieq Shihab said he had tried to remind the committees of the Prophet's birthday before the event was decided to be held.

This statement began when Rizieq Shihab alluded to the question of obtaining information about the plan to procure the Prophet's birthday event in Petamburan.

"The plan to be held for Maulid I got a report. But the committee has not been formed and the date has not been stated," said Rizieq during a hearing at the East Jakarta District Court, Monday, May 3.

After receiving this information, Rizieq asked whether the event was allowed or not. Given that Indonesia is being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"At that time I asked if it was permissible to commemorate the maulid because this is still a pandemic," he said.

From the results of looking for information, Rizieq got the answer if he was allowed to hold the Prophet's birthday. In fact, there is one state official who has already held the event.

"There is information that a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) often holds recitation in Pekalongan every Friday night," he said.

"I was sent the video. I saw that the event was running well, orderly. From there I finally believed that the maulid warning was allowed," Rizieq continued.

However, Rizieq emphasized that he still reminded the committee to be very careful. Because, holding an event during a pandemic has a very high risk of spreading COVID-19

In fact, the diultimatum event committee if they are unable to implement the prokes in the event, they should not have to hold one.

"But I warned you. You can make a commemoration of Maulid but don't break the process. If you can do it, if not, don't," he said.

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