JAKARTA - Dormitory for Bethel Indonesia Theological College, Petamburan, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, has become a new cluster of COVID-19 transmission in Jakarta. A total of 36 students at the hostel were confirmed positive for the corona virus.

The addition of positive cases of COVID-19 has made Petamburan the village that has the most population infected with the corona virus. Based on data seen on corona.jakarta.go.id today, Petamburan now has 46 cases. The number of cases is far different from other urban villages, each of which has less than 30 cases.

Head of the Central Jakarta Health Office, Erizon Safari, explained that the chronology of COVID-19 transmission in the Bethel dormitory cluster began with a hospital that checked the symptoms of patients being treated.

"There are patients being treated at the hospital. As usual, they will be traced because there are symptoms of COVID-19. Well, it turns out that they are in the dormitory. We then made a visit," said Erizon when contacted, Friday, April 17.

After conducting contact tracing, as many as 108 students were examined, the results were as many as 36 people who tested positive for COVID-19. Last night, students who contracted the corona virus were evacuated to be treated at the COVID-19 emergency hospital, Wisma Atlet Kemayoran.

"They have mild symptoms. However, in Wisma Athlete, the quarantine will be tighter than if they are isolated independently in their dormitory," he said.

To sterilize the building which is the cluster for COVID-19 transmission, the Central Jakarta Health Office has sprayed disinfectant. This is because there are other students who use the hostel as a place for independent isolation.

In the future, Erizon said that his party would again take swabs (saliva). This was done to ensure that there were people who had actually been positive but produced negative results because at that time it was still in the incubation period.

"We are currently scheduling for a gradual swab examination. Because, even though their rapid test results were negative yesterday, we will confirm (with the PCR test)," he explained.

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