JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said he was the type of student who didn't want to lose. He conveyed this when filling out the 2021 National Education Day Podcast with the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbud-Ristek) Nadiem Makarim.

"I did not want to be outdone at elementary, junior high, high school, and university," he said in a broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube, Sunday, May 2.

He then explained, because he didn't want to be outdone, he always increased his study hours beyond his peers who had better achievements.

"(He, red) won first place, for example, then I saw, 'oh, studying at night is two hours, (so, red) I have four hours.'

The former governor of DKI Jakarta said that this kind of method could make it easier for him to achieve his goals. However, he reminded, learning is actually not only in class but also anywhere.

Jokowi said that he had studied in the open air and as a nature lover he enjoyed it.

"Learning is not only on campus, but in nature we can learn. The education we get outside the classroom is as important as the education we receive in the classroom," he said.

Besides not wanting to be outdone, Jokowi also admitted that he often learned from his mistakes and did not want to give up. Competition is a common thing and is his favorite.

"I think that also made me dare to start an entrepreneur, starting from scratch before becoming a public official," he said.

He also invited everyone to dare to move forward to find out about self-development. Curiosity in detail is also an asset in developing self-potential.

"(Because of that, red) why do I check each job in detail. In detail, sometimes it still misses, let alone not," he concluded.

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