JAKARTA - The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) opened higher on Friday, April 17 trading. JCI rose 1.62 percent or 72.79 points to the level of 4,553.40.

Opening trading, there were 105 stocks rising, 19 stocks weakening, and 31 stocks stagnating. The trading volume was recorded at 81.60 million shares and transacted for Rp39.32 billion

Valbury Sekuritas in his research stated that global market players are waiting for the release of data on China's economic growth. From the survey data, China's economic growth contracted by 6 percent in the first quarter of 2020 from the previous in the fourth quarter of 2019 which grew 6 percent.

China's economic data is expected to slow the pace for Asian stock markets. Although one side of the positive factors also appears the US FUT index is tentatively strengthening.

"It is estimated that these two factors can affect the movement of the JCI today which is mixed with minor potential gains," said Valbury Sekuritas.

Meanwhile, Binaartha Sekuritas analyst M. Nafan Aji Gusta Utama predicts the JCI has the opportunity to move higher based on technical analysis. "The chances of at least strengthening towards the first resistance level are still wide open," he said.

In the resistance area, according to him, the index will move at the level of 4,569, while the second resistance is at the level of 4,747. The first and second support levels range from 4,443 to 4,318.

A number of shares that he recommended for consideration by investors include, PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk (ACES), PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk (ADHI), PT Estika Tata Tiara Tbk (BEEF) and PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA).

This morning, stocks that were among the top gainers included PT Bhakti Multi Artha Tbk (BHAT) which rose 34.76 percent to IDR252, PT Borneo Olah Sarana Sukses Tbk (BOSS) which gained 10.40 percent to IDR138. , and PT Kresna Graha Investama Tbk (KREN) which strengthened 5.41 percent to Rp234.

Meanwhile, stocks that are in the top losers ranks, including PT Bank Pensiunan Nasional Syaria Tbk (BTPS) which fell 6.76 percent to Rp2,070, PT Jasnita Telekomindo Tbk (JAST (which weakened 6.72 percent to Rp250 , and PT Meta Epsi Tbk (MTPS) which fell 6.71 percent to Rp278.

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