JAKARTA - Communication expert from the University of Indonesia Ade Armando said that former FPI Munarman lawyer, Aziz Yanuar, has sexual behavior that tends to be strange. This he made based on information widely circulated on social media.

Ade said Aziz likes Japanese animated characters in the form of a female protagonist with super strength in sailor-style clothes.

"He is reportedly nicknamed Sailor Moon because he likes couples wearing Japanese anime figure costumes, namely Sailor Moon", he said in a video broadcast, Saturday, May 1.

According to Ade, this is less ethical for an individual who claims to be a religious activist.

"You could say, one by one the negative sides of those who claim to be Islamic fighters were exposed", he said.

The opinion from the UI academics coincided with the response to the uncovering of Munarman's CCTV scene in a hotel.

Quoted from Wikipedia, Sailor Moon is a story about the heroism of 5 girls with superpowers from the elements of nature and the solar system. The main character in this fiction is Usagi who is inspired by the heroism of Sailor-V.

Separately, Aziz Yanuar himself is known to have heard oblique news about him on social media. However, the 38-year-old lawyer responded casually.

"No comment", he said as quoted by one of the country's media.

According to Azis, there is no crucial element that urges clarification of the information that is already widely circulating in the public domain. Instead, he attributed it to the momentum of Ramadan.

"No response. Let it be an abuser of my sins or a reward for me”, he explained.

Apart from Aziz Yanuar and Munarman, a former high-ranking FPI official who was also associated with women's issues is the leader, Rizieq Shihab. The former number one person at a religious mass organization had stumbled over a case of indecent messages with a woman a few years ago.

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