JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson of the Ummat Agung Mozin Party responded to the question of the character of the Chairman of the Syuro Council of the Ummat Amien Rais Party, who is considered to be in the same class as Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur.

This is because Amien Rais is said to be a role model within Muhammadiyah as well as Gus Dur who is attached to Nahdlatul Ulama.

"I think that Gus Dur and Amien Rais cannot be equated, and cannot be compared," Agung told VOI, Saturday, May 1.

According to Amien, both of them have their own strengths and strengths that complement each other.

"So like Gus Dur, it could be the same as certain things, but not in other ways. But the point is that both of them have proven themselves as the only chairman of Muhammadiyah, the only one is the chairman of NU. Two national figures from major mass organizations in Indonesia," said Agung Mozin.

Previously, the daughter of RI-4 President Abdurrahman Wahid, Yenny Wahid, did not comment on the analogy of 'Amien Rais in the class of Gus Dur', but according to his party, the public certainly knows which figures are truly considered role models.

"No comment on this matter. The public understands better which ones are more trustworthy among the existing figures," said Yenny Wahid spokesman Imron Rosyadi Hamid to VOI, Saturday, May 1.

This assumption began when political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia Andriadi Achmad assessed that Amien Rais' figure was still a magnet for the Ummat Party. In fact, the former chairman of the MPR could have succeeded in bringing his party to the election stage.

"The assumption that Amien Rais' prestige is obsolete is only the perception of the media. Because in Indonesia, whoever is against the government must be decayed by buzzers and others," Andriadi told VOI, Friday, April 30.

According to him, the father of reform has almost no loopholes that can be gouged out to be tackled in the arena of national politics.

"If Amien Rais does not have a gap, no corruption, he is a deviant figure, not only is he more critical and sometimes many people do not like it and even be exaggerated," he said.

Andriadi made an analogy of Amien Rais as Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur, who was identified as synonymous with Indonesia's largest Islamic mass organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

Gus Dur's character was even attached to the National Awakening Party (PKB) even though the 4th president had died and his party had changed its chairman.

"So I don't think Amien Rais is bad. He (Amien, red) is in the same class as Gus Dur. That is, he is a Muhammadiyah figure, Gus Dur NU, whose fanatical masses are still there," said Andriadi.

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