SURABAYA - The National Police Headquarters Propam Division Team arrested a number of unscrupulous members of the Surabaya Surabaya Police for drug cases.

The Head of Surabaya Police, Jhonny Eddison Isir, confirmed the arrest of a number of its members by the Police Headquarters Divpropam. However, he could not confirm whether there were any officers involved.

"Currently, we still do not have complete information," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, April 30.

From a number of information circulating, a number of members of the Surabaya Police were arrested by Divpropam officers at the National Police Headquarters while partying methamphetamine-type drugs at a hotel in Surabaya in the early hours of Friday.

Currently, a number of members who have been arrested have been taken to the National Police Divpropam Headquarters in Jakarta to undergo questioning.

It was informed that there were a number of officers who were also brought to the National Police Divpropam Headquarters in Jakarta, one of which was the AKBP rank.

Meanwhile, the case of suspected involvement of members of the Surabaya Police in a drug case was previously revealed by the Propam Division of the Police Headquarters in early March 2021.

At that time, a number of unscrupulous members of the Surabaya Police who were suspected of being backing up or protecting the distribution of narcotics, psychotropic substances and illegal drugs (drugs) were arrested by the Propam Division of the Police Headquarters.

Head of Surabaya Police Narcotics Unit AKBP Memo Ardian at that time said there were more than three unscrupulous police officers who were suspected of being backers for drug trafficking in the city of Surabaya and were arrested by the Police Propam Division.

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