BULELENG - The Seririt Police Team arrested three perpetrators of the elementary school (SD) burglary in Seririt, Buleleng, Bali.

The perpetrators had the initials IBAW alias Uneng (36) IBAD alias Gus Duta (20) and Kadek DS alias Dek Dita (21).

"The three perpetrators were taken away from their residence and then taken to the Seririt Police for inquiries," said Chief of Police Seririt, Police Commissioner I Gede, July, Friday, April 30.

This gang was arrested based on a theft report at SD 3, Gunung Sari Village on Sunday, April 25.

When questioned by the police at the scene of the incident, it was discovered that electronic items belonging to the school, such as LCD projectors, were missing.

The police then arrested the perpetrator. From the investigation, the perpetrator admitted to stealing in 4 SD in Seririt area. The police secured evidence of 4 LCD projectors, 4 laptops and an amplifier.

"The way the perpetrators took the items when they were empty was by destroying the door first so they could enter. This case is still in the process of examination and development," said Kompol Gede Juli.

The perpetrators were charged under Article 363 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a sentence of 7 years in prison.

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