JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) asked the Supervisory Board to evaluate the selection process for four KPK structural officers who were sworn in on Tuesday, April 14. They suspect that the selection process is not transparent.

The four officials inaugurated were Deputy Chief of Police of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Karyoto as Deputy for Corruption Eradication of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Head of Sub-Directorate for General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Endar Priantoro as Director of KPK Investigations, Director of Post and Information Equipment Standardization of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Mochamad Hadiyana as Deputy of Information and Data (INDA) KPK, and Functional Prosecutors in the Field of Development of the Attorney General's Office who are currently seconded to the KPK Ahmad Burhanudin as the Head of the KPK Legal Bureau.

According to Kurnia, there are three things that need to be highlighted regarding the structural position selection, including the selection that seems closed. Whereas so far, the KPK is an institution that has always prioritized transparency and accountability.

"This is evident from the late schedule submitted by the Acting Spokesperson of the KPK. The results of ICW monitoring, the selection process has been going on since March 5, 2020, however, the schedule regarding the new selection stages was announced on March 31, 2020," said Kurnia as quoted by VOI written statement, Wednesday, April 15.

In addition to the matter of delay in announcing the selection process, ICW also said that the KPK was not transparent regarding candidates who participated in the selection for positions. Thus, there is the impression that the Rasuah Institution deliberately closed this information to benefit other parties. "Second, there is no room for residents or external parties to participate in providing input," said this researcher.

The absence of this opportunity, said Kurnia, was far different from the condition of the KPK in the previous period. According to him, the KPK, which used to involve the public and external parties, to provide notes on candidates who would sit as structural officials. However, during Firli Bahuri's leadership, the candidates who passed the selection process were not revealed to the public at all until the final selection process.

Furthermore, another aspect that the KPK does not pay attention to is the integrity of the candidate candidates who will sit in these structural positions. ICW noted, of the four people who were appointed by Firli, three of them turned out to be disobedient to report the State Administrators Asset Report (LHKPN), namely: Mochammad Hadiyana, Endar Priantoro, and Karyoto. Even though LHKPN is one way to judge someone with integrity or not when they become state administrators.

Kurnia also touched on the matter of three structural positions in the field of prosecution, namely Deputy for Enforcement, Director of Investigation, and Director of Enforcement at the KPK which are now held by elements of the police. This, Kurnia said, could lead to a conflict of interest when a corruption case investigated by the KPK involved elements of the Bhayangkara Corps.

"Not only that, the potential for double loyalty is also difficult to avoid. Because, at the same time the candidates elected from the Bhayangkara Corps have two superiors, namely the National Police Chief and the KPK Commissioner," he said.

So, from all the notes given, this ICW researcher then asked the KPK leadership to disclose all the results of the structural position selection to the public. "Then the Supervisory Board will immediately evaluate the structural position selection process carried out by the KPK leadership," said Kurnia.

Defense of the KPK

Understanding that his Deputy for Action is in the public spotlight because his reporting of assets is not orderly, the KPK also admits it. "Is the person concerned (Karyoto) while serving as Deputy Chief of Police, is obliged to report or not, then referring to the list of positions in Appendix C of the Decree of the Chief of Police Number Kep / 1059 / X / 2017, the position of the Deputy Chief of Police is not an obligation to report LHKPN," said Ipi when confirmed by reporters.

According to him, in 2013, Karyoto had reported his LHKPN because of his position as Direskrimum Polda DIY and his capacity as an investigator. In this capacity, Karyoto must report his assets.

Ipi denies that until now the KPK Deputy for Enforcement has not reported the LHKPN. He said, Karyoto had submitted the LHKPN since last April 8. However, until now it has not been published on the e-LHKPN website because it still needs some improvements.

"There are several documents that must be completed regarding the SK, wife and children in his dependents. After being appointed as a KPK employee in the position of Deputy for Enforcement, the reporting will be further processed according to the applicable regulations," he said.

Furthermore, Ipi said, the KPK views LHKPN compliance as an important instrument in preventing corruption. The push for other agencies to issue regulations governing LHKPN reporting compliance, according to him, will continue to be carried out, including the issue of expanding strategic positions that must report their wealth.

He also said that the KPK and Polri would also conduct further discussions on whether or not the Deputy Chief of Regional Police should become one of the public officials who must report his wealth. "It is possible that we will discuss it further with the Police to maximize efforts to prevent corruption," he said.

"The commitment and seriousness of the highest leadership of the agency to encourage LHKPN compliance is very important. Because, LHKPN is a proof of the responsibility and commitment of a state administrator to the public to be honest, transparent and accountable," he concluded.

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