JAKARTA - The police confirmed that the viral pig stuck in Bedahan, Sawangan, Depok, West Java, was just a hoax. The issue engineer, Ustadz Adam Ibrahim was arrested and named a suspect.

"We say that everything that has gone viral from before is hoax, fake news," said Depok Police Chief Kombes Imran Siregar, Thursday, April 29.

The viral issue of eating pigs began with stories of residents who lost Rp1 million to Rp2 million. From here, Ustadz Adam Ibrahim and a number of people fabricated the issue by ordering a pig from an animal lover through an online shop.

The pork that was bought, continued the Depok Police Chief, was for Rp. 900 thousand. Plus a delivery fee of IDR 200 thousand.

"So the suspect worked together with about 8 people to make up stories to make up stories as if the hogs were true. It turned out that it was a fabrication from the suspect and his friends. So previously it was said that the pig had a necklace around its neck, the red headband was a lie. That is not true, "said Kombes Imran.

Ustaz Adam Ibrahim and his friends have been planning the ngepet pig hoax since March. They also share tasks. But it is confirmed by the police, ustaz Adam Ibrahim, the mastermind behind the hog-squeezing excitement that has spread to the ends of the country.

"If the perpetrator's brain is the suspect behind me. There are 8 participants. Each of them has a role. Some have caught someone claiming to be naked, (but) it is not naked. There are those who kill their pigs, some bury them, there is (each) a role, ā€¯continued Kombes Imran.

Ustaz Adam Ibrahim and a number of people called the police deliberately manipulated the pig to become famous. Understandably, Ustadz Adam Ibrahim, continued Kombes Imran, is not really seen in Depok.

"Their goal is to make him more famous in his village because this is one of the real figures but not too well known," he said.

The suspect charged under Article 14 paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Law Number 1 Year 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations.

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