JAKARTA - Yesterday, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and BUMN Minister Erick Thohir made an initial agreement to revitalize the Kota Tua area to Sunda Kelapa in the Fatahillah Museum yard, West Jakarta.

This Head of Agreement was carried out between PT Jakarta Tourisindo (JXB), Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), and PT Moda Integration for Jabodetabek Transportation (MITJ). The Old City revitalization budget comes from the DKI Regional Budget and the National Budget.

Anies said that the revitalization of the Kota Tua-Sunda Kelapa had been proclaimed since Ali Sadikin was still the governor of DKI Jakarta decades ago. However, Anies wanted to modify the way they were arranged.

"The difference is this time with a new way. So that we are more optimistic about achieving success. The new method is collaborative, massive, and structured", Anies said on Wednesday, April 28.

Anies meant that collaborative was collaborative which involved many parties, central, local, private, UKM, and experts. Massive means managed not only several buildings but an area of 240 hectares from Sunda Kelapa to the Kota Tua.

Then, structured is through the formation of joint ventures that are given a lot of flexibility and authority to manage.

In the revitalization of this historic area, Anies took advantage of elements of nostalgia combined with realizing economic opportunities, as well as providing opportunities for future generations to learn.

"This is what is called ancient but modern and dynamic. We do not want to make Kota Tua a mere tourist destination, but also as a dynamic economic ecosystem that attracts people to work", said Anies.

"There is life in the Kota Tua, and that life attracts tourists to come. We don't want the Kota Tua design to be full of copy and paste from other places in the world, but the Kota Tua must have its own narrative, characteristics, and uniqueness", he continued.

Continuing, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir wants to revitalize Kota Tua-Sunda Kelapa to be like a tourist destination for Bali and Labuan Bajo. The goal is to attract local tourists.

"We have a dream together with the Governor of how Sunda Kelapa can return to leaning on a representative Cruise ship, as we are currently building in Bali or Labuan Bajo. If we build in Bali and Labuan Bajo, why not Jakarta. So, because of that supporting facilities must also be built", said Erick.

Erick Thohir said that so far local tourists have not been served well. In fact, before the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism data showed that 78 percent were domestic tourists. Therefore, his party does not hesitate to assist Anies in building and facilitating domestic tourists.

"Because domestic tourist services are no less important than international tourist services", he said.

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