JAKARTA - Member of the Social Assistance (Bansos) technical team of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) Rosehan Ansyari retracted her testimony contained in the investigation report (BAP).

The retracted testimony regarding Adi Wahyono and Matheus Joko Santoso allegedly collected social assistance fees from vendors.

The withdrawal of this testimony began when the public prosecutor (JPU) read out BAP number 12 from Rosehan. The contents are about Adi Wahyono and Matheus Joko Santoso, whom Rosehan knows to receive and collect social assistance fees.

"I (Rosehan) know that Matehus Joko Santoso and Adi Wahyono have received and collected money from partners or vendors providing covid-19 service goods in 2020," said the prosecutor reading the BAP at the trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday, April 28.

Rosehan responded to the BAP. He admitted that he knew about it because it was considered an open secret.

"If it's an open secret, yes sir. But if I'm not technically," said Rosehan.

Hearing this statement, the presiding judge Muhammad Damis also questioned the context of Rosehan's answer. The judge questioned whether witness Rosehan saw directly or not the collection of social assistance fees.

"Did you know that there was a fundraiser, you know ?," asked Damis

"No sir," answered Rosehan.

"Why do you give information like this on the minutes?" said Damis.

"I don't know," said Rosehan.

Judge Damis asked Rosehan to answer all questions honestly. The judge reminded Rosehan, who before testifying was taken an oath to give the truth.

"Why is there information like this that there is a collection of money from vendors providing goods and services for COVID-19?" asked Damis.

"I never mentioned that," Rosehan replied.

"Do you withdraw this information?" asked judge Damis

"Ready. I will pull it off," said Rosehan.

After claiming to retract the testimony, Rosehan also explained the reason. He admitted that he did not know or witness the fee collection by Adi Wahyono and Matheus Joko Santoso.

"Because I do not know, when (the event) by whom and by what," said Rosehan.

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