SURABAYA - The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, asked the Office of Cleanliness and Green Open Space to evaluate the placement of the cleaning task force in each area following the refocusing of the budget for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The mayor also gave directions several times so that the cleaning task force must understand, what is the task, starting from work and finishing at what time, where are the areas that need to be cleaned ?," said Acting Head of the Office of Cleanliness and Green Open Space (DKRTH). Surabaya Anna Fajriatin while cleaning at Jalan Ahmad Yani, Surabaya. Quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 28 ..

In addition, said Anna, Mayor Eri Cahyadi also wanted to evaluate the ability of one task force to clean the area. It is hoped that in the future the number of task forces stationed in each region can reach out.

Actually, continued Anna, there were several areas where DKRTH had previously collaborated with third parties for cleaning. However, due to refocusing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the cooperation was not carried out.

According to him, Mayor Eri Cahyadi also provided a solution so that one task force for territorial responsibility could be created per kilometer. Furthermore, for the next kilometer it can be assigned or become the responsibility of another task force.

"So the mayor wants the protocol route not to be dirty, clean from leaf litter or tree branches," he said.

The cleaning on Jalan Ahmad Yani was also followed by the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi. In fact, the mayor did not hesitate to go directly to help the task force sweep the dry leaves in the area.

After cleaning at the median of Jalan Ahmad Yani Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi then monitored the cleanliness of several other protocol roads such as Jalan Sukomanunggal to Banyuurip area.

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