JAKARTA - A joint team from the National Police and Customs and Excise thwarted efforts to circulate and smuggle 2.5 tons of methamphetamine-type drugs.

National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that crystal meth is an international network spread across the Middle East, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

"We revealed that approximately 2.5 tons of methamphetamine from the Middle East, Malaysia entered Indonesia", Listyo Sigit told reporters, Wednesday, April 28.

This disclosure, said Sigit, is divided into three parts. This is because there are three locations for the arrests.

The first and second locations are in Aceh. At least, more than 2 tonnes of crystal methamphetamine was confiscated. Meanwhile, the last location is in the West Jakarta area.

"The first TKP was in Ali Lampaseh coffee parking lot in Aceh Besar with 1,278 kilograms of evidence. Then the second TKP with 2,267 kilograms of evidence was in the Prosperity Hall in Aceh. Then the third TKP was at Daan Mogot in West Jakarta", said Sigit.

In the disclosure, said Sigit, there were at least 18 suspects. In fact, one of them had to be given firm, measurable action.

"The suspect is 17 Indonesian citizens, 1 Nigerian national", said Sigit.

"The role of the suspects is 7 people as the control network, 8 people as the transporter network (courier), 3 people as the ordering network", continued Sigit.

With the disclosure of this case, said Sigit, it was evident that the National Police would not hesitate to expose drug cases in Indonesia. In fact, the ranks of its members are asked to continue to coordinate between agencies to monitor drug trafficking.

"By securing 2.5 tons of these drugs, we can secure the community who will become users of approximately 10.1 million people", he said.

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