JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil (Emil) officially applies the status of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to reduce the impact of the transmission of the corona virus or COVID-19 in five regions, namely Bogor City, Bogor Regency, Depok City, Bekasi City and Bekasi Regency .

The PSBB in the Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi (Bodebek) regions is valid for two weeks starting today, Wednesday, April 15 to April 28, 2020. The mechanism for implementing the Bodebek PSBB is regulated in West Java Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 27 of 2020.

In general, the PSBB policy in Bodebek is similar to that which has been implemented in DKI Jakarta. Several policies issued by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan were also implemented by Emil in West Java. Because these areas (Jabodetabek) are the epicenter of the spread of the corona virus.

Moreover, the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) has asked all regional governments in Jabodetabek to harmonize transportation control policies. This is because the mobility of the people in a number of these areas is still quite high.

Restrictions on activities outside the home in the implementation of this PSBB include restrictions on learning in schools, places of worship, public facilities, socio-cultural activities, as well as the movement of people and goods using transportation modes.

"Coordination, mobilization of resources, and operational implementation of the PSBB are regulated by the regents and mayors," Ridwan Kamil said as quoted in Pergub 27/2020 on Wednesday, April 15.

Transport restrictions

Due to his efforts to align with DKI, Kang Emil also prohibited online motorcycle taxis (ojol) from carrying passengers. This rule refers to the Ministry of Health Regulation (Permenkes) Number 9 of 2020 concerning PSBB Guidelines for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19.

"Application-based two-wheeled transportation is restricted to use only for the transportation of goods," said Kang Emil in Article 16 paragraph (6) of the Governor Regulation 27/2020.

Meanwhile, motorbike drivers can carry passengers for personal use but must comply with health protocols, such as wearing masks, disinfecting vehicles, not driving if the body temperature is high, and doing activities that are allowed during the PSBB.

Public transportation such as land transportation, railways, river, lake and ferry transportation are still allowed to operate. Private cars are also allowed out. However, the number of passengers must still be limited.

Public transport and private cars must limit the maximum number of passengers to 50 percent of the total passenger capacity. In addition, drivers and passengers must maintain a distance (physical distancing).

Restrictions on activities working in offices and that are exempted

During the PSBB, Kang Emil temporarily suspended work activities at the workplace. Employees are required to work from home.

However, there are several sectors of work that are still allowed to have activities in the workplace, namely all government offices, both central and regional, representative offices of foreign countries or international organizations, and State / Regional Owned Enterprises.

Then, several business actors or private offices that are still allowed to carry out activities include:

1. Health 2. Food / food / beverage ingredients 3. Energy4. Communication and information technology 5. Finance6. Logistics7. Hospitality8. Construction9. Strategic industry 10. Basic services, public utilities, and industries designated as national vital objects and certain objects 11. Daily necessities

In addition, local and international community organizations engaged in the disaster and / or social sectors are still allowed to operate.

Food, food, or beverage businesses such as restaurants are still allowed to operate, however, all purchases must be wrapped and no one is allowed to eat the food on site.

Restaurant owners must apply the principle of keeping the queue standing and sitting at least one meter between customers. Then, apply the principles of food sanitation in the food handling process according to the provisions.

"The person in charge for a restaurant or similar business is obliged to limit the service to take away, to order online or with delivery services," said Kang Emil.

Especially for construction work, Kang Emil asked construction workers to remain in the project environment. So that workers do not enter and exit the project environment, he also asked the manager to prepare a place to live, eat, drink and health facilities.

Limitation of socio-cultural activities

Kang Emil temporarily halts social and cultural activities that create crowds, such as political, sports, entertainment, academic and cultural gatherings.

However, the former mayor of Bandung still allows circumcision, on the condition that it is not allowed to be celebrated, is carried out in health care facilities, and is attended only by the nuclear family.

Then, the marriage can still take place. However, these activities must be carried out at the KUA, attended by the nuclear family, and it is prohibited to celebrate or hold a wedding reception.

Furthermore, funeral activities and death takziah that are not due to COVID-19 can still be attended, provided that they are carried out at the funeral home, attended by the nuclear family, and maintain a distance between the parties present.

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