JAKARTA _ Two large faith-based organizations have gathered to commemorate the Muslim holy month. The World Jewish Congress, which represents Jewish communities and organizations in 100 countries around the world, is hosting a one-hour virtual event with the Mecca-based World Muslim League to celebrate Ramadan together.

The event, which was attended by the President of the World Jewish Congress Ronald S Lauder and the Secretary General of the World Muslim League Mohammad bin Abdul Karim and dozens of other figures, seeks to strengthen ties between the two organizations and religions.

"Relations between communities, especially religious communities, are unfortunately not always easy for us to maintain," Lauder, a former US Ambassador to Austria, told The National News Wednesday, April 28.

"In fact, we all know that there have been strife between different religions throughout history but when we make efforts to unite as we do today, to work together and to acknowledge differences in our beliefs, we begin a process that must build trust. between our people. That was the beginning, "he explained regarding this joint Ramadan celebration.

The event is part of the plenary session of the 16th World Jewish Congress, which the organization holds every four years. Lauder said her understanding and appreciation of Islam only developed when she was an adult.

"I have developed a great respect for his teachings. This arises through the exposure of the Muslim people and frankly my own curiosity about religion," he said.

The two organizations hope their collaboration will help create better understanding and appreciation among both the Jewish and Muslim communities.

"We believe the cooperation that the World Muslim League can achieve together with the World Jewish Congress, will make a valuable contribution to enhancing coexistence in our world," he concluded.

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