JAKARTA - Sadra Nugraha, a suspect in the alleged corruption case of the port cast road in Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra, Sadra Nugraha, returned Rp2 billion in state losses to the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati). Assistant for Special Crimes (Aspidsus) South Sumatra Attorney Viktor Antonius Saragih said The suspect's initiative will then be used as evidence in court. "This money is temporarily deposited with BRI's Rivai Palembang branch," he said.

Sadra Nugraha was named a suspect for his capacity as Director of PT Geovani Bersaudara as the executor of the Jalan Cor Jalan Pelabuhan Dalam-Indralaya Ogan Ilir project in 2017, the suspect has been detained at the Pakjo Palembang prison since March 18, 2021. The suspect is suspected of reducing the volume of work in the road segment improvement project in total. As a result, according to a report by the South Sumatra Provincial Audit Board (BPKP), the state suffered losses of up to Rp. 3.2 billion. The suspect was charged with Article 2 subsidiary Article 3 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of corruption with the lowest possible penalty. Four years in prison and a maximum of 20 years in prison Previously, in this case, the Public Prosecutor's Office had also detained the PUPR Service Implementing Officer (PPTK) in 2017, Fauzi, as a suspect and detained him.

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