Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Dudy Purwagandhi checked directly at Pasar Senen Train Station (KA), Central Jakarta, to ensure the smooth flow of Eid Al-Fitr 2025/1446 Hijri through the mode of transportation.

At Pasar Senen Station, the Minister of Transportation checked the readiness of a number of passenger facilities, one of which was the departure platform and the waiting room.

"So far, I have seen that trains have provided well for the implementation of Eid transportation," said the Minister of Transportation as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 25.

According to the Minister of Transportation, trains are one of the modes of transportation that is quite affordable, but still provides the best service and even discounts for the community.

"I hope that the Indonesian Railway can serve travelers well, pay attention to safety, security, and comfort for travelers," said the Minister of Transportation.

To ease the burden on the community, KAI as the operator has issued a number of tariff discount programs with a rate of 10-30 percent. Starting from March 21-24, 2025, the sale of train tickets departing from Pasar Senen Station amounted to 57,724 seats.

Separately, Public Relations Manager of PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta Ixfan Hendriwintoko appealed to travelers who want to board a train from Pasar Senen Station to observe the departure time because the train schedule at the station is narrowed at the time of Eid al-Fitr 2025/1446 Hijriah homecoming.

On Tuesday or D-6 towards Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri/2025 AD, he revealed that there were 38 trains operating at Pasar Senen Station, which were divided into three lanes.

"The customers at the station, especially Pasar Senen, are still concentrating even though there are entertainment venues here for younger siblings or children under the age of five, still concentrating on the departure schedule," said Ixfan.

Ixfan asked the prospective travelers to re-check the train tickets that had been purchased, starting from the suitability of the date, departure time, to the names of the trains to be boarded.

On Tuesday, according to him, there were as many as 38 trains operating at Pasar Senen Station which were filled by 25,747 travelers. To accommodate the surge in passengers, PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta during the moment of the homecoming flow operates 362 additional train trips with a capacity of 182,620 seats.

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