The joint TNI-Polri team announced the results of the investigation into the shooting case by TNI personnel who killed three police officers in Way Kanan, Lampung. Kopda Basarsyah is said to be the shooter.

"The perpetrator of the shooting was Kopda B," said WS Danpuspomad Major General TNI Eka Wijaya Permana to reporters at the Lampung Regional Police, Tuesday, March 25.

He concluded that this matter was based on evidence and clues as well as witness statements. In fact, Kopda Basarsyah has also admitted his shooting.

"The person concerned has admitted to shooting the three victims," he said.

However, regarding the motive for the shooting, Eka could not convey it. The reason is because the deepening and examination process is still being carried out.

"Then, we can't answer the motive for the shooting once again because we are just exploring the day, we will do it according to the ongoing legal process," said Eka.

As previously reported, the shooting took place when the police raided the practice of cockfighting gambling which was attended by many civilians in the Karang Manik Village area, Batin State District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province, on Monday, March 17.

Dua oknum TNI Peltu Lubis selaku Dansubramil Negara Batin dan Kopda Basarsyah yang merupakan anggota Subramil Negara Bantin. Saat ini, mereka telah diamankan dan sedang menjalani pemeriksaan intensif.

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