JAKARTA - Kuntjoro Pinardi resigned from his position as Director of Maintenance and Repair of PT PAL (Persero). In fact, Kuntjoro has only served for 5 days after being appointed by the Minister of BUMN, Erick Thohir.

One of the reasons Kuntjoro resigned from this position was his relationship with the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). It was noted that Kuntjoro was a candidate number 6 in the Central Java (Central Java) electoral district in the 2014 elections.

Social media activist Denny Siregar also opened his voice on Kuntjoro's resignation. According to him, the stigma of PKS is already bad as a political party. The proof, during the 10 years of struggling in national politics, PKS did not get a strategic position.

Why is that? According to Denny, it was because of the identity politics played by PKS. "Actually it is PKS 'fault, for a long time this party that was reported as the biological child of the global Muslim Brotherhood organization has a bad track record. In Indonesian politics it is noted that PKS initiated a model of identity politics in this country which ultimately made our politics dirty," Denny said in the channel. Youtube CokroTV quoted Monday, April 26.

Identity politics is most obvious, Denny claimed when Megawati Soekarnoputri ran as a presidential candidate. At that time, with the arguments of verses and hadiths, PKS did not allow a Muslim to make a woman as a leader.

"That is where the initial milestone of our developing identity politics with its new and widespread variants that eventually divides this country and PKS enjoys this situation as part of their political motor," explained Denny.

According to Denny, Kuntjoro Pinardi's biggest misfortune was having had contact with PKS in his past. Even though it has been mentioned, after failing as a legislative candidate, Kuntjoro Pinardi returned to academia and started a business life.

"Right now PKS is part of the virus that will poison. Maybe this could do Erick Thohir's homework before choosing a director or commissioner in his ranks. Avoid anything related to PKS because it's bad for business. Their name is a dead card in the republic. this, "said Denny.

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