JAKARTA - Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) Dadan Hindayana stated that the payment of salaries from the Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG) officers in the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program which had been delayed has now begun to be processed.
Dadan, after attending the Plenary Cabinet Session at the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta, explained that the reason for the postponement occurred was due to administrative problems with staffing status.
"So you see, the SPPG in the 2025 APBN budget acts or has the status of a Government Employee with a Work Agreement or P3K," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 21.
However, because the process of appointing new first aids can be carried out as early as April, said Dadan, the budget that has been allocated cannot be directly used for employee statuses that are not yet official as first aid kits.
"Therefore, we have to find patterns for using other budgets, such as through consultant services," said Dadan.
He revealed that the process took quite a long time, so his party decided to use another payment mechanism.
In its implementation, payments are made through several methods, including gradual distribution from stages one to seven.
It is known, the government appointed thousands of Indonesian Development Movers (SPPI) to support the implementation of the Free Nutrition Food program for school children.
SPPI graduates, who have undergone Basic Education and Military Exercises (Diksarmil) with the TNI, are placed in a small group in a nutritious dining service unit.
Their involvement is expected to increase the effectiveness of the program, so that the benefits for the health and development of Indonesian children can be maximized.
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