PANGKALPINANG - The joint Search and Rescue Team (SAR) in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands evacuated crew members (ABK) from the KCP Barakuda Ship owned by PT Timah Tbk which sank in Toboali Waters, South Bangka.

"With good synergy and collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, the joint SAR team finally managed to save two crew members quickly and accurately so that both of them survived," said Head of Pangkalpinang Search and Rescue Office I Made Oka Astawa as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 20.

He explained that the sequence of incidents, which began on Wednesday (19/3) at around 23.30 WIB the ship was transferred to the middle of the waters by two crew members, each named Bagus (L/27) and Rivansyah (L/19), due to the condition of large waves accompanied by strong winds that occurred on the beach where the ship was anchored.

At the time of moving the ship, seawater began entering the ship's room through the stern, a fellow victim on land, named Ilham, on Thursday (20/3) at around 03.00 WIB realized there was no further information from the two crew members on board.

Worried about this, Ilham tried to contact the crew by telephone and it was known that the ship's information had begun to sink and needed evacuation assistance.

Knowing this, Ilham immediately reported the incident to the Toboali SAR Alert Unit asking for help.

Receiving this information, the Pangkalpinang Search and Rescue Office dispatched a Rescue Team to the scene, then a joint SAR team consisting of Rescue USS Toboali, Indonesian Navy, South Bangka Regency BPBD along with Ilham moved together to the location of the victim's ship using a tongue speedboat belonging to the Indonesian Navy to evacuate the crew.

"Right at 06.35 WIB the joint SAR team evacuated, the two crew members were floating and safe. Then the team evacuated and took the victim to the South Bangka Hospital," he said.

Made Oka thanked all the joint officers involved in assisting the evacuation process.

"Hopefully this synergy, collaboration and cooperation can continue to be established in providing the best service for the community," he said.

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