TANGERANG - Minister of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers (P2MI), Abdul Kadir Karding, revealed that as many as 554 Indonesian citizens (WNI) were victims of online fraud (online scams) in Myanmar. Based on the data received, the victims came from 35 provinces in Indonesia, with the highest number from North Sumatra.
"Most of them came from North Sumatra with 133 people, followed by West Java with 75 people, Bangka Belitung 68 people, and Jakarta 51 people," said Abdul Kadir to reporters at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tuesday, March 18.
Other provinces affected include North Sulawesi (39 people), West Kalimantan (27 people), East Java (22 people), Riau (22 people), Central Java (15 people), Riau Islands (20 people), Aceh (11 people), Banten (9 people), West Southeast Sumatra (9 people), Lampung (8), West Sumatra (4 people), Central Sulawesi (4 people), Bengkulu (4 people), Jambi (3 people), Bali (3 people), Yogyakarta (3 people), West Papua (2 people), and South Kalimantan (2 people).
Meanwhile, areas such as Riau Islands, West Sumatra, East Kalimantan, Bangka Belitung, Tangerang, North Maluku, and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) each recorded only one victim.
Fraud Mode: Promised To Work As Hotel Restaurant Waiter
Abdul Kadir explained that most of the victims were initially promised jobs as hotel waitresses in Thailand and Cambodia. However, they were actually brought to Myanmar to be used as online scam workers.
They are trapped by persuasion from people known online, usually with job offers at hotel restaurants in Cambodia or Thailand. Unfortunately, many do not report to the government, both to P2MI and the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu)," he explained.
This fraud process is carried out through organized online communication. The victims are directed by certain parties, including Indonesian citizens who are recruiters.
Process Of Returning Victims To Indonesia
The Indonesian government through the Joint Task Force consisting of the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon, the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok, and the National Police, under the coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu), is trying to gradually repatriate the victims.
According to the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs of Indonesia (Menko Polkam), Budi Gunawan, the repatriation process began on March 18, 2025. The first flight has landed with 200 victims. Then, the second flight is scheduled to arrive at 11.00 WIB with 200 other victims.
"This repatriation process is carried out in stages and coordinated to ensure that all victims can return to Indonesia safely," said Budi Gunawan.
This repatriation effort shows the government's seriousness in protecting its citizens from disturbing fraudulent practices.
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