JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives Dave Akbarshah Fikarno or Dave Laksono condemned the shooting that killed three policemen during a raid on a cockfighting gambling stall in Way Kanan Regency, Lampung on Monday, March 17, afternoon. Moreover, the shooter is suspected to be a TNI officer.
"Based on the information I received, it was an operation to raid the cockfighting gambling game, and this is based on reports from the public that have caused public unrest and the police have carried out their duties, but there has been resistance so that the death of three Police personnel," said Dave at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 18.
"Of course this is a sad thing. We certainly condemn the action," he continued.
Dave also asked all security forces, both the TNI, Polri, the Prosecutor's Office, and BIN as well as other relevant agencies to investigate this case. As well as looking for the root cause of the problem until the shooting occurred.
"The local government is also to work optimally, to work objectively to continue to uncover the flow of the problem," said Dave.
The Golkar legislator for the West Java VIII electoral district also encourages justice for the victims. Dave also urged the TNI Military Police Center (POM) to carry out investigations and find out whether there was a network that ranked gambling in the area.
"Three police personnel have died, and this must be justice that we can create from the security forces, as well as from the TNI POM to follow up and conduct investigations. Is it only the three who carried out the shooting or there is one network bigger than them. That's what must be revealed and found out," said Dave.
"Don't let anything left, so that we can get all the solutions permanently," he concluded.
Reportedly, three members of the Batin State Police were shot by TNI personnel while raiding the location of the cockfighting gambling in Way Kanan Regency, Lampung.
The three police officers who died were Inspector One (Iptu) Lusiyanto, Brigadier Head (Bripka) Petrus Apriyanto, and Brigadier Dua (Bripda) Ghalib Surya Ganta.
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