JAKARTA - Two TNI personnel who were suspected of shooting three police officers from the Way Kanan Police Station who had surrendered. Now, they are being held at the Lampung Military Police Detachment (Denpom).
"Two people are being held in Denpom Lampung", said Kapendam II/Sjw Colonel Inf Eko Syah Putra Siregar to reporters, Tuesday, March 18.
The two soldiers are currently still under intensive investigation. Thus, it cannot be conveyed in detail about the series of shooting incidents.
'The joint TNI-Polri investigation team," said Eko.
So far, it is known that the two TNI personnel surrendered to Dandim 0427WK, Lt. Col. Inf. Aan Fitriadi, at around 23.30 WIB.
The shooting took place when the police raided the practice of cockfighting gambling in Karang Manik Village, Batin State District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province.
During the raid, the two soldiers carried out the shooting. Thus, causing three policemen to die.
The three policemen who died were the Batin State Police Chief IPTU Lusiyanto, Bripka Petrus, and Bripda Ghalib. They were shot in the head.
The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Yuni Iswandari, confirmed the death of the three police officers. Currently, the deepening process is underway.
"It is true that the shooting incident occurred," said Yuni.
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