JAKARTA The DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reported that heavy rain accompanied by strong winds caused 13 trees to fall in various areas of Jakarta, resulting in two injuries.

"Two people suffered minor injuries after their car was hit by a fallen tree," said Head of the DKI Jakarta BPBD Data and Information Center (Kapusdatin), Mohamad Yohan, in his statement, Tuesday, March 18.

Yohan explained that the incident of fallen trees occurred in five areas of DKI Jakarta, namely three locations in Central Jakarta, one in South Jakarta, three in West Jakarta, five in East Jakarta, and one in North Jakarta.

Of these, the incident that caused damage and injuries occurred in Central Jakarta. A fallen tree hit two cars parked around Kebon Sirih.

According to Yohan, heavy rain accompanied by strong winds caused an old tree to collapse and hit the vehicle below.

"Two victims who were in the car were successfully evacuated safely and are currently receiving medical treatment at the scene," he said.

Meanwhile, the car that was hit by the tree suffered heavy damage to the roof.

"The BPBD team has evacuated victims and fallen trees to ensure safety around the location," he added.

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