JAKARTA - The Anarcho Syndicalism group is trying to take advantage of the conditions of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 by planning riots in mid-April to overthrow the government. The National Police moved quickly and arrested five of its members for committing a vandalime action with provocative narratives and considered as the trigger for the rioting.

However, this group is not the first time trying to create a riot by taking advantage of certain situations and conditions. A few months back, to be precise in August 2019, Anarcho Syndicalism was said to be riding the demonstration of the Indonesian Trade Union Alliance Congress (KASBI) in the DPR RI area.

They provoked the masses of demonstrations so that the action which proceeded without problems could turn into riots. In fact, seven people from the group were arrested and named as suspects.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said the existence of this group had been known for a long time. Because, if the homecoming is far more backward, this group has begun to address its presence in the Bandung area, West Java.

However, it is known that this group does not have a clear organizational structure. They only use social media as a forum for planning something and under certain conditions.

"Anarko is not structured. They are in one group, there is a group. They are not structured, but their movements are the same using existing social media," said Yusri in Jakarta, Monday, April 13.

The membership of this group is not clear. Based on existing data, they come from different backgrounds. Starting from highly educated people to the opposite.

However, that does not mean that the investigation has stopped because of the group or organization's unclearness. This is because the police are still investigating the mastermind behind this group because there are allegations that there is a lender.

To find out about it, the police traced the cellphones of the five Anarcho members who were arrested earlier. From their cell phones, it was found out if there would be a looting movement in several areas of the island of Java.

"It is possible that there are actors behind it or who finance this which are still being investigated by the police," said Yusri.

The provisional investigation showed that one of the five suspects who had already been arrested was a coordinator who planned looting in the Tangerang area and its surroundings. After further investigation, this young man was a student at a private university in Depok. He is called a coordinator in whatsapp group.

"There is a group of people (Students) Pancasila, he is the admin. We are still exploring this," said Yusri.

Meanwhile, the other four people were just ordinary members. Five members of Anarcho who were arrested were MRR alias Bunga (21), AAM alias Aflah (18), RIAP alias Rio (18), RJ alias Riski (19), and MRH.

From their arrest, the evidence found were several books with the elements of radicalism. Responding to this too, Yursi said that it was a common thing. The reason is because this group has the aim of creating riots.

"Textbooks are like terrorists. They are Anarcho, Vandalisem. Their job is only to make a riot," said Yusri.

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