JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission VII from the Electoral Region (Dapil) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Rahmawati emphasized the importance of incorporating tourism education into the basic curriculum.

This was conveyed in a meeting to discuss the Draft Law (RUU) on the Third Amendment to Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, recently.

Rahmawati said learning about tourism should not only start at the university or vocational schools, but also be introduced since basic education.

"This is to raise children's awareness of the potential for tourism in their area from an early age," said Rahmawati, Monday, March 17.

"If new children learn about tourism at the university or vocational school level, it's too late. Their thinking power has been directed towards other fields, and many do not understand the potential of their own region," added the Gerindra politician.

For this reason, tourism education is considered necessary to be included in the basic curriculum, such as regional languages.

"That way, children can get to know their area better from an early age," he said.

Rahmawati emphasized that understanding the potential of regional tourism from an early age can foster a sense of pride and love for Indonesia's culture and natural beauty.

"This includes building public awareness of tourism sustainability based on local wisdom," he said.

Commission VII of the DPR has now formed a Working Committee (Panja) on the Bill on Amendments to Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism.

"This bill is an initiative of the DPR which has been included in the 2025 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas). It is hoped that this amendment to the law will not only provide legal certainty for the tourism sector but also become a momentum to advance the national tourism industry," he said.

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