SIDOARJO - President Prabowo Subianto supports PSSI General Chair (Ketum) Erick Thohir's plan to form amateur clubs in the regions in collaboration with the local government.

The President believes that the advancement of football in a country is due to a strong commitment from all parties, which is accompanied by enthusiasm and determination.

"We encourage amateur clubs. Hopefully each school will have a good football field. The important thing is the will first, the desire first. Dare first. Later, the steps will be achieved," said President Prabowo during the simultaneous inauguration of 17 stadiums from Gelora Delta Sidoarjo Stadium, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, Monday, March 17.

The President also expressed his agreement with the view of the Chairman of PSSI who called football a symbol or symbol of the pride of a nation.

"So, a strong nation is a strong nation whose soul is strong, and strong physically. Strong physique, strong soul. Only with a strong physical and soul can the nation stand tall and can become a great country," said the President.

Prabowo continued to assess that a nation has passion and will, which is reflected in one of the sports.

"Sports are one of the benchmarks to assess whether the nation has spirit or not, has the will or not," the President continued.

President Prabowo gave an example of many developing countries, even countries with low income, but their football achievements are brilliant. In fact, some of these countries are included in the World Cup competition.

It's not just a rich nation whose football is great. No. Many poor countries, countries in Africa they can enter the World Cup. They don't have a field like this. They are much poorer than us. But the spirit doesn't want to lose. This (we) have to learn," said the President.

At the same event, PSSI General Chair Erick Thohir revealed his plan to form amateur clubs. He said the plan was supported by a number of ministers, one of which was the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian.

"We will rebuild amateur clubs in the regions, in provinces, in cities and villages as an effort, we have previously people who have fighting power, people who have a great will to change, people who want us not to lose to other big nations. This program has been encouraged. Please direct from Mr. , "said Erick Thohir reporting to the President.

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