TANGERANG Three minors were found dead in Lake Situ Gede, Tangerang District, Tangerang City, on Monday, March 17, at around 14.00 WIB.
An eye witness, Udin Robert (32), said that the three victims died after swimming in the lake. According to him, there were actually four children who swam in the lake.
"There were 3 people who died. Actually, 4 people were swimming, only one was scared, so they survived. They seem to be 8-10 years old," said Udin when met at the location, Monday, March 17.
Udin explained that the tragic incident began when the group of children came to Lake Situ Gede. They took off their clothes and tried to swim on the edge of the lake while waiting for the time to break their fast.
"Initially on the edges. Then they walked. For a long time to go to the middle, they drowned. So one was scared, he went up (not to the middle)," he said.
According to Udin, when he saw the children drowned, he decided to throw himself and look for the whereabouts of the victims. After searching for 30 minutes, the three children were finally found dead.
"I was in a joran, but I didn't find it. We got down, I was raided (like looking for it). It was up to 30 minutes. It turned out that they were on the edge. In a state of death," he said.
Currently, the three victims have been taken to the Tangerang City Hospital for further treatment.
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