JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will focus on tracing the assets resulting from corruption, Abdul Gani Kasuba. Efforts to recover state losses continue even though the former Governor of North Maluku died on Friday, March 14.
"Of course, the projection is that we will withdraw assets or asset recovery from assets that we consider to come from criminal acts of corruption," said KPK Director of Investigation Asep Guntur Rahayu to reporters quoted on Monday, January 17.
Asep said that the suspect Abdul Gani's status in the money laundering crime case (TPPU) had indeed died after he died. "But, someone has (red) been confiscated (the assets, ed)," he said.
The assets included land and buildings confiscated from Thoriq Kasuba, who is Abdul Gani's son. "There is a clause governing that if the suspect dies, it can sue through civil code through the state attorney's prosecutor," he said.
However, this decision was not taken simply. Asep said the legal bureau and related parties at his institution would sit down together in a leadership meeting (rapim) to determine the follow-up.
"That's why we first coordinate and communicate with the legal bureau, it will be tidied up later. After that, we will also communicate and coordinate with the Attorney General's Office. Our focus is asset recovery, so whatever the declare has to be taken," said Asep.
As previously reported, Harun Rizal, who is a lawyer for the former Governor of North Maluku Abdul Gani Kasuba, confirmed that his client died on Friday, March 14. He breathed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) room of the Chasan Boesoirie Ternate Hospital.
اقرأ أيضا:
"(Died, ed) in the ICU RSUD at approximately 20.00 WIT," said lawyer Abdul Gani Kasuba, Hairun Rizal when contacted by reporters, Friday night, March 14.
Hairun said Abdul Gani's body is currently in the funeral home. He plans to be buried in his hometown, South Halmahera Regency, North Maluku on Saturday, March 15.
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