JAKARTA - Minister of Forestry (Menhut) Raja Juli Antoni invited forest farmers to manage and protect forests through social forestry schemes. The three social forestry schemes include community forests, village forests and conservation partnerships.

The Ministry of Forestry itself accommodates communities in various forest area designations through this social forestry scheme, as has been applied in the Mount Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS).

The Minister of Forestry said that the existence of three schemes in one area shows how meaningful and needed community participation is for forest sustainability, in accordance with President Prabowo Subianto's direction to continue to involve the community.

"So, this shows that this location has 'meaningful' participation, which is meaningful, which is full, which involves the community from several schemes available at the Ministry of Forestry," said Raja Juli as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 17.

"So the goal of President Prabowo Subianto, he mandated to involve the community fully in programs," continued Antoni.

Thus, he continued, the paradigm or way of thinking must be changed from the previous distance between the community and the forest, now the community is allowed to enter the forest area with schemes such as social forestry, conservation and forest rehabilitation.

The Minister of Forestry conveyed this when visiting the Forest Farmer Group (KTH) and the Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) in Bantarkaret, Bogor, Sunday (16/3).

There were six social forestry groups present, including KTH Pabangbon Sejahtera, LPHB Bantarkaret, LPHD Malasari, KTH Ciguha River, KTH Cikaniki Sejahtera and KTH Malasari Lestari.

In addition, the Minister of Forestry on the same occasion also released 265 birds in TNGHS. "Earlier there were 265 birds that we released, there were four types," said Minister of Forestry Raja Antoni.

The 265 birds consisted of 150 buffalo starlings, 50 turtle doves, 50 finches and 15 trucukan. During the release, the Minister of Forestry invited children in the surrounding community to participate in releasing the birds.

He also reminded the children not to catch or kill birds, especially those in the surrounding environment.

"I took some children with me, because the future of the forest, the future of biodiversity, depends on them," said Raja Antoni.

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