JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) claims to be ready to face the pretrial filed by former Pelindo II (Persero) President Director Richard Joost (RJ) Lino at the South Jakarta District Court.

In addition, the KPK also believes that the investigation and detention processes carried out in this case are in accordance with the applicable mechanisms.

"We are sure that the entire process of investigation and detention that we have carried out is in accordance with the applicable legal mechanisms," said Acting KPK spokesman for the field of prosecution Ali Fikri to reporters, Monday, April 26.

Regarding this pretrial filing, the KPK through its Legal Bureau will immediately compile an answer. "And will convey it in front of the intended pretrial petition hearing," he said.

Meanwhile, RJ Lino filed a pretrial lawsuit at the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel). This lawsuit was filed by RJ Lino on the investigation of the alleged corruption case in the procurement of the three QCC units at PT Pelindo II, which charged him as a suspect.

Based on the South Jakarta District Court Case Tracing Information System (SIPP), the pretrial case numbered 43 / Pid.Pra / 2021 / PN JKT.SEL. was registered on April 16, 2021. The inaugural trial is planned to be held on May 4, 2021.

In this case, the KPK suspects RJ Lino to violate the law and abuse his authority as President Director of PT Pelindo II to enrich himself, other people and / or corporations by ordering the direct appointment of a Chinese company, Wuxi Huangdong Heavy Machinery (HDHM) as the implementer of the three-unit QCC procurement project. at PT Pelindo II.

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