YOGYAKARTA Dewi Kam's profile is interesting to discuss because she is the richest woman in Indonesia. In fact, Forbes Real Time Billionaires in 2023 predicted that Dewi Kam's total wealth was US$ 3.4 billion or around Rp. 50.32 trillion at an exchange rate of Rp. 14,800/US$. This wealth figure then made Dewi one of the richest people in Indonesia according to Forbes. Then, who is Dewi Kam actually?
Dewi Kam is a female entrepreneur from Indonesia who is engaged in the energy sector. She was born in 1951, which means that this year Dewi Kam is approximately 73 years old. There is not much personal information that explains who Dewi Kam is. However, several news media have written that he has been in the energy sector business since 1993-2001, or when he was 40-48 years old.
As a businessman, Dewi Kam is known to be a shareholder of PT Bayan Resources Tbk with the code BYAN. It is known that the company is engaged in the mining sector. In fact, BYAN is the largest coal mining company in Indonesia. Dewi's own share ownership is 10%.
Not only being involved in coal companies, Dewi is also widely said to be the owner of another energy company, namely PT Sumber Gas Sakti Prima. It is not yet certain when Dewi will own the company. However, in 2006 he served as President Commissioner of PT Sumber Gas Sakti Prima.
In 2006, Dewi was also present at the moment of signing the energy project contract between Indonesia and China at the Indonesia-China Forum Energy II event in Shanghai. At that time the value of the energy project was US$ 3.56 billion.
Not only that, Dewi Kam was also involved in the Jeneponto Steam Power Plant (PLTU) project, Punagaya Village, Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi. In the project, Dewi through PT Sumber Energi collaborated with another company, namely PT Bosowa Energi.
Dewi Kam's business does not only exist in Indonesia. He is known to be affiliated with companies based in British Virgin Islands and Samoa. The company he owns is Birken Universal Corporation and is the Director of Savill Universal Ltd based in Britisih Virgin Islands. In addition, he also owns shares in Overseas Finance Ltd which is located in Samoa.
With so many business lines owned by Dewi Kam, it is natural that she managed to become the richest woman in Indonesia, and became the 10th richest person in Indonesia in general.
Based on a report from Forbes Real Time Billionaire, Monday (5/6/2023), Dewi Kam's total assets are currently estimated at US$ 3.4 billion or equivalent to Rp. 50.32 trillion (exchange rate of Rp. 14,800/US$).
Thanks to his wealth, he now occupies the position of the 10th richest person in Indonesia. His position is directly above Martua Sitorus who is in 11th position, and at one level below Lim Hariyanto Wijaya Sarwono who is 9th.
That's information related to Dewi Kam's profile. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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