JAKARTA - The defense of one nation is closely related to the defense equipment it has. Therefore, maintenance and modernization of defense equipment are important.

In Indonesia, most of the defense equipment owned have been used for decades. However, it is still very well cared for.

Member of Commission I DPR RI M Farhan explained based on the results of observations that the best defense equipment maintenance in the TNI is in the Navy. Because, there are still defense equipment of the Indonesian Navy who are under 10 years of age.

"It can be said that the results of our monitoring have only been observed afterward, not in-depth research from members of the Panja indicating that the most better is the navy (AL)," he said in a virtual discussion, Sunday, April 25.

Meanwhile, defense equipment in other dimensions is not as good as the Indonesian Navy. In fact, the Air Force (AU) called Farhan its worst maintenance. This is because, of the total defense equipment owned, only one-third can be used to operate.

"But if the air force oops. That's the easiest. The air force has 28 F-16s, of which only 1/3 can be operational. That, too, has a radar capability of up to 30 percent," he explained.

Furthermore, Farhan admitted that he no longer asked about the combat capabilities of the Indonesian Air Force's defense equipment. This is because the radar's ability, which is only 30 percent, has answered how the condition and maintenance of the defense equipment.

"After we know the basic capabilities, we don't have the courage to ask again with its combat capabilities," he explained.

Meanwhile for the Army (AD), Farhan did not explain the results of the monitoring carried out from his working visit.

On the other hand, Farhan said that the majority of Commission I members when they go abroad always take the time to meet with the defense industry in various countries. Like, America, Ukraine and Turkey.

"Every time we come there, we are completely serviced because we are considered potential buyers and they know we really need it," he said.

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