JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo requested that data on the number of COVID-19 patients in Indonesia, either positive or those declared as People Under Monitoring (ODP) and Patients Under Supervision (PDP), be presented in an open and integrated manner.

He also ordered all ministries to be integrated with the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 so that all information needed to deal with the virus can be available.

"I ask that this information data be truly integrated. All Ministries are included in the task force so that all of the information is available," said Jokowi while chairing a limited meeting broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube account, Monday, April 13.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta also asked for data on COVID-19 cases in Indonesia to be updated in real time and the information is more integrated than before.

"Once again this integrated data concerns PDP, ODP, positive then recovered, who died, the number of PCR (-tests-) how many there are all of them and it is open. So that everyone can access this data properly," he said. .

In connection with the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test, Jokowi then asked that more tests with this method be carried out than before, considering that a new tool was imported by the Ministry of BUMN.

If during the spread of COVID-19 there were only 26,500 samples carried out with this method, now, with 18 new tools, he predicts that more samples will be tested.

"I want every day, at least we can test at least 10 thousand samples. Therefore, I really appreciate the procurement of 18 rapid PCR test kits carried out by the Ministry of SOEs, which can then be installed," he said.

It is known that on Tuesday, April 7, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises managed to bring in a PCR test kit from a Swiss pharmaceutical company, Roche. Of the 18 tools, one tool has been used at Pertamina Jaya Hospital, Jakarta, which has become a special hospital for handling COVID-19.

Meanwhile, 17 others, said BUMN Minister Erick Thohir, would be distributed to a number of BUMN hospitals in areas such as West Java, East Java, Central Java and other areas in need.

"This one was tested first here (Pertamina Jaya Hospital). Seventeen more will be distributed with the Coronavirus Task Force to a number of areas such as West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, Lampung, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, East Kalimantan. , South Sulawesi, to Papua, such as East Java, Central Java, West Java, and others, "said Erick some time ago.

The choice of equipment with the Roche brand, according to Erick, was made after he received recommendations for the best brands from experts. In addition, the acceleration of sending to BUMN hospitals in the regions is carried out considering that some regions do not have their own PCR test kits so they are slow to detect the spread of COVID-19.

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