JAKARTA - His white hair and expressive facial tone make it easier for the public to recognize him. The figure is named Ganjar Pranowo, a millennial leader. A loyal cadre of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle who was elected for the second time as Governor of Central Java for the period 2018 to 2023. Ganjar Pranowo is the 2014 Innovative Regional Head for the public service category, due to the improved performance of the Central Java provincial government in serving the public.

Who is Ganjar Pranowo?

Ganjar Pranowo is in fifth place among six brothers, Pramuji and Sri Suparmi, who were born in Karanganyar, Central Java. Pramuji is used to educating little Ganjar full of discipline, his assertiveness is needed as a police officer in his daily life. Meanwhile her mother is busy taking care of her six children and their family at home.

Ganjar spent high school in the city, feeling fit in the student city, he continued studying at Gadjah Mada University through the Faculty of Law. Having finished at UGM, he completed his next degree at the University of Indonesia by embracing a Master of Political Science (MIP).

Starting his four-year career as a professional HR consultant in a private company, it did not cross his mind how the world of politics would change the life journey of Ganjar Pranowo. Feeling that he wanted to raise the 'bull cage' in Central Java province, he started his role in politics as a cadre of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP).

Her eyes widened in amazement. His heart was taken aback when he saw the figure of a tiny woman named Atik. Responding to similar feelings, Atik is also attracted to young Ganjar's social intelligence. Siti Atikoh, Atik's full name, honestly sees the different figure of the young Ganjar's leadership, prominently. The woman who was known by Ganjar during KKN was finally edited. In 2001 they had a son, Zinedine Alam Ganjar.

His style of leadership is far from being rigid, not wanting to be like most of the old product bureaucrats. His flexibility to speak makes anyone who interacts with him comfortable. Seasoned with Ganjar's jokes. If the neighboring province in West Java has Ridwan Kamil, then in the capital there is Anies Baswedan, then Central Java is Ganjar Pranowo. Millennial leaders of this country.

Luck Behind Failure

Malang, in fact, cannot be denied, nor can it be achieved just like that. Ganjar's failure in 2004 to step into Senayan, turned out to have a fortune behind it. Through the Intertime Change (PAW), Ganjar Pranowo has the right to fill the vacant seat of his party colleague Jakob Tobing, which Megawati appointed to immediately go to South Korea as the Indonesian Ambassador. Luck that will change the political journey of men who enjoy Metallica and Dream Theater music.

He spent five years from 2004 to 2009 as a member of Commission IV DPR-RI. The commission focuses on dealing with issues around agriculture, plantations, forestry, maritime affairs, fisheries and food. After completing his tenure at the end of 2009, he was re-elected as the people's representative for the following period 2009-2014.

His decision to enter into the 2013 Central Java Governor Election competition, obliged him to vote. Leaving another year of service in the future, Ganjar chose not to complete the term of office and let go of the status of the DPR-RI.

Come to challenge Bibit Waluyo the Incumbent, with the full support of the PDIP. The duo of Ganjar Pranowo and Heru Sudjatmoko are still far less popular according to calculations by the national survey agency. The pleasure of acting as an underdog is to make Ganjar's improvised maneuvers looser with his sales vision and mission as simple as possible as long as it makes sense in the eyes of the people.

A survey is just a tock survey. Calculations on paper are only theoretical, out of sync with the realities and public expectations of Central Java. It gives off the sensation of surprise! reversing the forecast, the incumbent Bibit Waluyo was overthrown by the new figure of Ganjar Pranowo.

The thirst of the people is indicated by the desire for a clean figure who has no record of corruption along with a sensitivity to respond to agricultural issues. He considered Ganjar fresher, also broad-minded, with a vision that caught the attention of across generations at that time. Through the jargon "Mboten Korupsi, Mboten Ngapusi" Ganjar won the incumbent seat as Central Java-1.

In the five years of the leadership of Pak Governor Ganjar, the province of Central Java has innovated quite rapidly. Its role is crucial as a driving force for the growth of regional financial institutions in the Mobilization of the Regional Financial Access Acceleration Team (TPAKD). It is felt that it is difficult to develop and expand access to finance for MSME players, indeed, it requires concrete solutions. An inevitable solution made President Jokowi pay tribute to him.

The Farmer's Card Innovation. If Jakarta had the Jakarta Sehat Card, Ganjar gave birth to the Farmers Card. It is hoped that the problems of farmers who are always struggling with the distribution, price, quality, to the type and amount of fertilizer are answered through the Farmer Card. A concept that is directly integrated with the Indonesian agricultural system, so that the stability of agricultural commodities is monitored.

High mobility is packaged through innovation for innovation, proven to have an effect on the image of government agencies, so that in 2014 he was named Head of Innovative Region for the category of Public Service.

It is not enough for the first five years, with many things that have not been optimally touched. Ganjar went forward again in the 2018 Central Java Governor Election, with the hope of public trust for an additional five years.

The Nationalist-Religious concept, which is sold in the Ganjar Pranowo-Taj Yasin packaging, is indeed similar to the concept of 'Rindu' a la Ridwan Kamil-Uu in West Java. Incidentally, both of them also managed to win the 2018 Governor Election. Unstoppable Ganjar's popularity was proven by the superiority of the difference in votes which was around 3 million over Sudirman Said, the opponent in second place.

Closer, Visible

The closer he got to the situation, the more clear it really was. His style is very distinctive, identical through sudden inspection (sudden inspection) full of spontaneity. Armed with his sixteen years of experience in the world of government, he knows very well how not easily trapped in The Plague of Flattery syndrome.

The Plague of Flattery, a term for the Italian politician, Niccolo Machiavelli. Advising leaders not to easily be lulled by various flattery from their surroundings, generally they are 'ABS' full of praise, as long as you are happy. A situation where the information passed on to the boss is normative and seems fine, as long as the boss is happy.

For example, the cities of Kudus, Magelang, Wonogiri, and Semarang are the cities for the victims of the inspection. Starting from the corner of government agency offices to the steep locations of illegal mining, Ganjar didn't thrill. The leak of Ganjar's information is about to arrive at the miners, forcing their way into hiding. Ada Ganjar came they thought.

His style, which both banged and broke the ancient bureaucratic culture, inspired millennials about officials who no longer have a level from above to those below, the people. Intelligent, unique, and eccentric, these three things describe the persona of Pak Governor Ganjar.

Whether it's strange or what, in November 2016, in one of the Purwojoyo train carriages on the route to Jakarta-Cilacap, he was caught on camera enjoying himself asleep under a chair. Only Ganjar understands.

It was common for the governor's guard protocol aides to suddenly change out of schedule. The governor's wish was based on instinct with what he saw on the trip, stopping by for a moment was common. When the price of unhulled rice dropped significantly among the peasants, he spontaneously stopped to meet them, the farmers in the village of Njenengan Purworejo. Just want to know what came out of the mouths of the constituents who voted for him yesterday.

Annoying their minds the ancient bureaucrats who don't want to clean up, have indeed been their intention since 2014. The need for change in every era, definitely needs a different way, it can't be conservative anymore. Courageous in his third year in office, he actually asked hard to have the right to directly fire civil servants who like to undergo extortion (illegal fees).

If Metallica can portray the figure of Ganjar Pranowo, perhaps through Atlas's composition, Rise! Become Rewards, Rise! Yes, he is increasingly published after being elected for the second term.

While not wanting to slowly accelerate, Ganjar's contribution, supported by Taj Yasin, in November 2019 has won 40 awards. Even though it has only been one year in office.

Great leaders today can never be separated from the role of a life process, especially educational values. Without the Master, there is no Ganjar now. Approaching Pak Wagiyo is like a religious theme, in the middle of Eid al-Fitr. Pak Wagiyo is a figure who played a role in Ganjar's journey first, teacher Ganjar Pranowo when he was at Elementary School, SDN 2 Tawangmangu, Karanganyar.

Maybe Ganjar got into the lyrics in Spirit Carries On, Dream Theater. Life is too short. That life is short. Feeling lucky to still be able to see Mr. Wagiyo at his old age, his student was not ashamed to say hello in public, a small reflection of gratitude for everyone.

The pupil who used to mingle with hundreds of his students has now become the number one center of public attention in Central Java.

Interesting Facts of Ganjar Pranowo

Highest ASN Zakat in Indonesia. The success of Ganjar through the collection of zakat on the State Civil Apparatus with an amount of Rp4.7 billion per month is the highest in Indonesia.

Massive Bureaucratic Reform. Ganjar's courage to appoint a sub-district head to be a Bureau Chief is surprising in the world of bureaucracy. And the appointment of the principal of SMK Bawen as Head of the Central Java Education Office.

Bicycles, Nature and the Tour de France. Ganjar collects more than 6 units of bicycles, the most expensive price he admits is stuck around 20 million. His dream is to join the Tour de France.

The Comforter. Hijacking shows and taking over the duties of comedian Tukul as a host on a TV show last February, is just one of his talents as an entertainer. The governor who once existed also played a lecturer with the rank of Kombes Akpol in one scene of the film 'Sang Perwira'.

Science Champion in Ginseng Country. Putra Ganjar, who is familiarly called Alam, actually won a science competition in South Korea in 2015.

Profile of Ganjar Pranowo

Full name: H. Ganjar Pranowo, SH, M.IP Place, date of birth: Karanganyar, Central Java 28 October 1968 Profession: Politician Title / title: Bachelor of Law (SH), Master of Political Science (M.IP). Religion: Islam. Parents: Pamuji (Father), Almh. Sri Suparmi (Mother). Partner: Hj. Siti Atikoh Suprianti Child: Zinedine Alam Ganjar Asset Report: IDR 6.7 billion (2018 / LHKPN).


University of Indonesia, Postgraduate Political Science, Depok, West Java Gajah Mada University, Faculty of Law, Central Java BOPKRII Yogyakarta High School, Central Java SMPN 1 Kutoarjo, Central Java

Career Journey:

Governor of Central Java (2013-2018, 2019-2023). Deputy Secretary of the Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Faction, DPR-RI (2010-2013). Secretary I of the Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Faction, DPR RI (2007-2009). Secretary of the Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Faction, MPR-RI (2009-2010). Member of the Legislation Body, DPR-RI (2004-2010). Chairman of the Special Committee (Pansus) on the MPR, DPR, DPD, and DPRD in the DPR-RI (2007-2009). Chairman of the Special Committee (Pansus) for the Bill on Political Parties in the DPR-RI (2007-2009). Member of the Supervisory Team (Timwas) Central DPR-RI (2010-2013). Member of the DPR-RI Special Committee (Pansus) for Century Bank Questionnaires (2009-2010). Deputy Chairperson of Commission II DPR-RI, for Domestic Government, Regional Autonomy, State Apparatus, Bureaucratic Reform, Pemilh, Land and Agrarian Reform (2009-2013). Member of Commission IV DPR-RI, Agriculture, Plantation, Forestry, Maritime Affairs, Fisheries, Food (2004-2009) Human Resources Development (HRD) Consultant PT. Prakarsa (1995-1999).


Award for Radio Media Figures from the Indonesian National Private Broadcasting Radio Association (PRSSNI), Central Java (2015). Overcoming Disasters in Central Java Province (2014). Regional Head of Innovative for public service category (2014). Anugerah Pataka Paramadhana Utama Nugraha Koperasi (2013).

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