JAKARTA - The eldest son of President Joko Widodo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, confirmed that his father would not go home during this year's Eid.

This is done to support Jokowi's own policy which prohibits citizens from returning to their hometowns.

This was conveyed by Gibran on Thursday (22/4/2021). He ensured that President Jokowi would not go home this year's Eid.

"No, you are not going home," said Gibran

For information, every year President Joko Widodo has never missed his homecoming to Solo, which is his home and hometown. Usually Jokowi returns to Solo on the first day after the Eid prayer

However, this year Jokowi will not go home because he is still in a pandemic era. In addition, the government has also advised against going home during Eid. Moreover, the Solo City Government has also issued a ban on Eid homecoming on May 1-17. Where this ban was issued by Jokowi's eldest son, who is also the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

To anticipate homecoming travelers, the Solo City Government has even prepared a quarantine house at Solo Techno Park (STP). "We provide two places, but we will use STP first," said Gibran.

The stubborn travelers will be quarantined for five days at STP. However, if they want self-quarantine at the hotel, the Solo City Government allows it at their own expense.

"Yes, for those who can afford it," said Gibran.

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