JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission today submitted the names of six candidates for supreme justice to the Indonesian Parliament. The names will then undergo a fit and proper test at Commission III of the DPR.

Chairman of Commission III Herman Hery said, the next mechanism after the names were received, his party would wait for a letter from the DPR leadership to Commission III. After that, Commission III will hold a leadership meeting and also a plenary meeting to determine the schedule.

"There is a possibility that the Commission III plenary and summary can be done in the near future. Next week at least. Meanwhile, we estimate the schedule will be after January 10. Because January 10 we enter recess. I estimate January 11 or 12 we will start. Two weeks after that, at the latest. that's over, "said Herman, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 28.

According to Herman, the deadline for the fit and proper test series has also been set. "No later than February 5 (there will be results)," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, said that the six names were the result of an online selection with a total of 75 registrants. However, there were 70 people who passed the administrative selection consisting of 44 career judges and 26 non-career judges.

"This is what we have to do because the need for the Supreme Court justices is very crucial, that's what we usually convey," said Puan.

Submission of names

The meeting between the Chairman of the Judicial Commission, Jaja Ahmad Jayus, the leadership of the DPR, and also the Chairman of Commission III Herman Hery regarding the submission of the names of the Supreme Court justices took place behind closed doors on the 3rd floor, Nusantara III, DPR Building.

After the meeting, the Chairman of the Judicial Commission, Jaja Ahmad Jayus, said that his party was asked by the Supreme Court to fill in the eleven candidates for Supreme Court judge to fill the vacancies in the Supreme Court. However, only six have passed the selection in KY.

The eleven formations include three chief judges of the criminal chamber, four chief judges of the civil chamber, one chief judge of the special state administration chamber for taxes, one supreme judge of the religious chamber and two chief judges of the military chamber.

In addition, the formation is to fill three Ad Hoc Judges for Corruption Crime at the Supreme Court, six Ad Hoc Industrial Relations Judges at the Supreme Court.

"We convey it to the DPR. We hope that what has been done by KY, the DPR can approve everything so that the vacancy of the Supreme Court justices can be fulfilled," said Jaja.

Six names of candidates for Supreme Court justice:

1. Soesilo, High Court Judge in Banjarmasin Criminal Court

2. Dwi Sugiarto, High Court Judge Denpasar Civil

3. Rahmi Mulyati, Junior Special Registrar at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Civil

4. Busra, Chairman of the Kupang Religious High Court of Religion

5. Sugeng Sutrisno, Chief Military Judge of DILMILTAMA Military

6. Sartono, Deputy Chairman III of the Tax Court in the field of Development and Supervision of the Performance of State Administrative Judges.

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