JAKARTA - Chairman of the PKB faction, Jazilul Fawaid, responded to the first cabinet reshuffle carried out by President Prabowo Subianto in less than 200 working days of his government. According to Jazilul, this is a warning to the ministers that Prabowo does not hesitate to replace his better assistants.

It is known that Satryo Brodjonegoro is now no longer serving as a director after being hit by a cabinet reshuffle, Wednesday, February 20, yesterday.

His position was replaced by Brian Yuliarto who was officially inaugurated as new education and technology based on Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 26 P of 2025 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of the Minister of the Red and White Cabinet for the remainder of the term of office for the 2024-2029 period.

"What is clear is that Pak Prabowo will not hesitate to carry out control as stated every time. So yesterday I thought it was just one proof. One proof, although not even 200 days, there has been a reshuffle," said Jazilul at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, February 20.

"This is also a warning to all of us, ministers, to the general public as well, if there are ministries or officials, government, executives whose performance is then not good, just convey it to Pak Prabowo as the holder of prerogative. Because Pak Prabowo will not hesitate to replace it with a better one," he continued.

The PKB deputy reminded that Prabowo as president has the prerogative to shift or dismiss his assistants in the cabinet. Both from professionals, as well as political parties.

"That is Pak Prabowo's prerogative, anyone can be shifted. But Pak Prabowo did not say that today the minister from the Party or professional minister, which is clear, Pak Prabowo, said that all existing ministers, both from parties and outside parties, were professional people, who were not professionals, he would definitely do a reshuffle," he said.

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