JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini has updated the integrated social welfare data system (DTKS) for social assistance recipients under the name New DTKS.

In this new system, there is control over citizen data. As a result, 21,156,000 residents' data were taken (takedown) because they had duplicate data.

"So we have communicated with BPKP, KPK, the AGO and the Police, we put 21,156,000 duplicate data to sleep. From the double data, we choose one (to be included)," said Risma in a YouTube broadcast by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Wednesday, 21. April.

Thus, residents who will receive social assistance from the central government in the next stage can check directly on the Cekbansos.kemensos.go.id web page.

However, said Risma, recipients of cash social assistance (BST) no longer need to check their names on that page. Because, BST has been stopped until April.

Meanwhile, residents who receive the Hope Family Program (PKH) and non-cash food assistance (BPNT) or the basic food assistance assistance can still check the recipient's data.

"If we give BST only until April. So we choose BPNT or PKH which are expected to receive these benefits until December," said Risma.

Risma said that the Ministry of Social Affairs has communicated with related parties, namely the KPK, BPKP, BPK to the police, regarding the 21 million data that were put to sleep. Later, said Risma, the Ministry of Social Affairs will ask for data on the proposed new social assistance recipients from each region.

"If there is some lack of data, we are continuously asking from the regions. So we ask for proposals from the regions for new proposals," said Risma.

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