SEMARANG - Police arrested MR (18) a student of SMKN 3 Semarang against the AWP duel (17), a student of SMKN 10 Semarang who died in a fight on February 12.
"The perpetrator and the victim came from two different schools," said Semarang Police Chief Kombes M. Syahduddi as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 14.
According to him, the victim and the suspect had previously made an appointment to fight with a sharp weapon on Barito Street.
The fight, which took about two minutes, stopped after the victim was seriously injured.
In addition, the victim and the suspect shook hands before leaving the scene of the fight.
According to him, the victim was reported to have died from injuries to his back and hands.
Meanwhile, the suspect MR was arrested after fleeing to Tegal.
The police are still investigating the alleged involvement of the perpetrators in the duel between vocational students.
For his actions, the suspect was charged with Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning child protection or Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning murder
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