JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Achmad Yurianto explained the handling progress data as of April 9. As a result, there was a significant increase of 337 positive cases from 33 provinces throughout Indonesia. Today is also the first time a victim has died in one day at most.

Based on the data, the addition of positive cases is currently the highest number in the past week. Because previously, the most number of positive cases was around 200 people.

"There are 337 new cases added, bringing the total to 3,293," Yuri said at a press conference at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Thursday, April 9.

The number of additional positive cases is because DKI Jakarta contributed 236 people. Thus, the overall total during the COVID-19 pandemic reached 1706 cases.

Then, for recovered cases, said Yuri, there were also quite a lot of additions, namely around 30 cases with an accumulative total of 252 people. A quite high increase also occurred in cases of death. As many as 40 people were declared dead due to COVID-19.

The number of cases died is also the highest death rate in the past week. Based on data from April 2 to 8, the cases that died on the previous day were only 7 to 19 cases.

"There were 40 cases of patients who died from positive COVID-19 confirmation, so that there were 280 people," said Yuri.

With so many infections occurring in the community, Yuri emphasized that the community should be more disciplined to apply the calls from the government in their daily lives. Especially, wearing masks and washing hands.

Based on data, the use of masks greatly affects the spread of COVID-19. So, people are also obliged to wear cloth masks when on the move outside the home.

"If forced to leave the house, wear a mask. The cloth mask is enough. The data shows that more than 60 percent of the effectiveness of this cloth mask is to prevent transmission," said Yuri.

Likewise with washing hands and keeping a distance. This is because if you do not implement this recommendation, the potential for infection will be even greater because the pattern of transmission is mostly the virus that is left behind in goods.

"Because this is one of the transmission routes that are often not realized, is hand contamination by viruses from droplets of sick people that may be left in the belongings around us," said Yuri.

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