JAKARTA - The Forensic Team of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital identified the body of the murder victim that occurred in Cikoronjo Village RT 001/RW 005 Sindang Mulya Village, Cibarusah District, Bekasi Regency.
The National Police Hospital Forensic Team also took an ante mortem sample from the victim's child.
The head of the National Police Hospital, Brigadier General Prima Heru Yulihartono, said that his party was following up and confirming the identity of the body.
"Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) was investigated by taking samples during the examination," said Brigadier General Prima Heru Yulihartono on Thursday, February 6.
Brigadier General Prima said, to find out more fully about the identity and cause of death, the National Police Hospital also took an ante mortem sample from the victim's child.
Until this news was broadcast, DNA examinations were still being carried out at the Laboratory Bureau of the National Police Medical and Health Center (Pusdokkes).
"Yes, the follow-up was to confirm the identity of our bodies taking samples, ante mortem is the victim's child," he said.
Meanwhile, the identification team involved investigators from the Bekasi Metro Police, Health Affairs (Urkes) of the Bekasi Metro Police, forensic doctors and forensic technicians at the National Police Hospital, forensic dentists, the forensic medical team RSCM FKUI, and the DNA team of the National Police Health Center.
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- https://voi.id/berita/457373/polisi-sebut-pesta-gay-di-hotel-setiabudi-jaksel-baru-pertama-kali-digelar
- https://voi.id/berita/456827/polisi-tetapkan-3-orang-tersangka-kasus-pesta-gay-di-hotel-jaksel
Previously, the Bekasi Metro Police (Polres) found two bodies at S's house, a woman trafficking officer who works as a debt collector or mobile bank named Sri Pujiyanti (22).
The perpetrator's house is located in Cikeronjo Village, Sindangmulya Village, Cibarusah District, Bekasi Regency, West Java.
Bekasi Metro Police Chief Commissioner Pol. Mustofa said the discovery of the second body was after officers dismantled the septictank along with the crime scene (TKP) of the murder of Sri Pujiyanti whose body had been taken to the Kramat Jati Police Hospital the day before for autopsy purposes.
"The demolition of this septictank was revealed by perpetrator S who killed another victim and was buried in that location. After two hours of being dismantled, we finally managed to evacuate the body in it and carried it with a body bag," he said at the scene, Wednesday, February 5.
The police found out that the perpetrator in November 2022 had killed his legal wife based on the results of the examination and more in-depth development which was strengthened by the confession of perpetrator S.
Based on the results of the development, he said, the police and the forensic team decided to dismantle the septictank.
"Earlier we and forensic friends found the skeleton, as a whole the skeleton was still found in its entirety including the victim's clothes, from the victim's jacket, the victim's underwear were still intact, found at the crime scene," he said.
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