JAKARTA - The head of the National Certification Agency (BNSP) Kunjung Maseta denied the news in several cyber media that stated that BNSP would prohibit the Press Council from conducting the Journalist Competency Test (SWCU).

"Prof. Nuh's news has been confirmed. The BNSP commissioner did not make such a statement. And we at BNSP, if there is a proposal for the establishment of an LSP (Professional Certification Institute) in the press sector, there must be a recommendation from the Press Council," said the Head of BNSP Kunjung M Advisor to the Chairman of the Press Council. Prof. Dr. Ir M. Nuh, Monday, 19 April 2021.

Some previous cyber media broadcast news as if BNSP Commissar Henny Widyaningsih delivered his directions to dozens of BNSP assessor training participants that

based on Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower and Government Regulation Number 10 of 2018 concerning BNSP, BNSP is the only institution authorized by law to carry out competency certification. "The Press Council may carry out competency certification, but it must pass through an LSP licensed by BNSP," said Henny.

To Mrs. Tetty DS Ariyanto, BNSP Commissioner for Quality Assurance, Planning, Cooperation and Law of BNSP, Henny Widyaningsih denied this sharp narrative. He said that he did give a presentation about professional certification at the event of dozens of BNSP assessor training participants which took place at the LSP Multipurpose Room, 5th Floor of the Ketapang Indah Complex, Central Jakarta, April 14-18 2021. But, never said anything as written by a number of media.

"Prof, that's just assessor training. The LSP has not been licensed. I have told CLSP to ask for recommendations from the Press Council because it is a license requirement," explained Mrs Tetty DS Ariyanto, a commissioner who has been frequently communicating with the Press Council regarding journalists' competency test issues.

The Press Council itself which was legally established based on the provisions of article 15 of the Press Law No. 40 of 1999, has been implementing a journalist certification program since 2010. Namely, after formulating the Journalist Competency Standards, the result of the agreement of all constituents of the Press Council. Namely, representatives of journalists' organizations, representatives of media companies, representatives of media companies organizations in various media platforms. The implementation of the certification is carried out through a journalist competency test process carried out by a journalist competency testing agency appointed by the Press Council.

Since being implemented for more than 10 years by 17 journalist competency testing agencies, the program has provided more than 18,000 certificates and competency cards to journalists.

Since the last two years, the Press Council has actually discussed with BNSP the journalist certification program. There are plans to collaborate functionally and professionally in order to continuously improve the quality and professionalism of Indonesian journalists.

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