JAKARTA - Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo asked the provincial government of the Riau Islands, including Batam and Tanjung Pinang to tighten supervision of the entry of new variant cases of COVID-19 from abroad.

Doni said this during a work meeting on handling COVID-19 and the repatriation of Indonesian citizens with the Riau Islands Provincial Government on Monday, April 19.

Doni asked that the entrance to Indonesian workers (TKI) or Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) returning to Riau Islands be tightened, especially in the sea transportation sector.

"The entry point for shipping to Riau Island must only go through two doors, namely through Batam and Tanjung Pinang. Also, the security at each shipping entrance must be strengthened again. Do not let a ship sail from abroad, its destination is outside the two points above”, Said Doni in his statement, Tuesday, April 20.

Doni requested that the movement of the ship be closely monitored before it docked. This is important to do to ensure that all elements in charge of checking the return operation through the seaport can run optimally and with minimal obstacles.

"At least 1x24 hours has been informed. So that the officers are ready", he said.

Then, Doni wants the regional government to form a special cross-border organization or a task force for return. From the formation of the homecoming task force, it is hoped that it can control the spread of COVID-19 for Indonesian citizens returning to Indonesia.

"So it is necessary to make a homecoming task force, both in Batam City and in Tanjung Pinang City. Or there are other policies of the Governor of the Republic of Indonesia that can make our PMI return, both official and deported, can be handled optimally", he said.

Later, the task force will carry out the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Circular Number 8 of 2021 concerning International Travel Health Protocol during the COVID-19 Pandemic, in which PMI from abroad is required to undergo two PCR swab tests.

After undergoing the first swab test, the person concerned is obliged to continue quarantine for 5x24 hours even though he/she has a negative test result.

After five days of quarantine, the person is required to undergo a second swab test. If the result is negative on the two swab tests, then the person concerned can continue the journey.

Furthermore, if the result is positive, then it is obligatory to carry out isolation or get intensive care for those with symptoms until they are declared negative.

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