A suspected thief in a mosque charity box was arrested by a resident of Benangalih Village, Sambalia District. The Central Lombok Police Satreskrim arrested the alleged perpetrator with the initials RN (22).

"The perpetrator has been detained at the Sector Police for further legal proceedings," said Head of Public Relations of the East Lombok Police AKP Nicolas Oesman in East Lombok, Sunday.

He said the perpetrator had brought the stolen money or money taken from the charity box using public transportation.

The actions of the perpetrators were known to residents, thus pursuing the public transport car used by the perpetrators to escape.

"And the residents managed to catch up with the vehicle used by the perpetrators," he said.

He said that when the car was stopped, the perpetrator was immediately arrested and beaten by residents, after that the perpetrator was immediately handed over to the Sambalia Police Station to account for his actions.

When the perpetrator was arrested, hundreds of thousands of evidence was hidden using a sarong.

"The perpetrator was charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a threat of seven years in prison," he said.

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