The Ogan Komering Ulu Police Criminal Investigation Unit (OKU), South Sumatra has arrested the perpetrator of the murder case at the Kisam Bridge, Lubuk Batang District on Saturday, February 1. Further investigations are being carried out by the authorities.

"After the bodies of the victim Wawansyah (52), a Rukun Tetangga (RT) chairman in Gunung Meraksa Village was found at the Kisam Bridge yesterday morning at around 08.00 WIB, the police moved quickly to carry out an investigation," said OKU Police Chief AKBP Imam Zamroni in Baturaja, citing ANTARA on Sunday, February 2.

Based on the results of the investigation, it was revealed that the sadistic killer was carried out by the suspect Rumidi (41), a resident of Langkap Village, Lubai Ulu District, Muara Enim Regency who has now been secured.

"Before being killed, the perpetrator sent a voice message via WhatsApp to the victim pretending to ask for help because his motorbike broke down at the Kisam Bridge," he said.

From the results of the search, the suspect was initially suspected of hiding in his house in Langkap Village, Lubai District, Muara Enim, but when the raid was carried out the perpetrator was not found at the location.

After continuing the investigation, the police obtained new information and succeeded in making arrests through a persuasive approach with the suspect's family.

"The suspect finally surrendered last night at around 21.00 WIB," he said.

After being arrested, the police secured evidence in the form of a 15-centimeter-long sharp weapon, black jacket, black pants, bloodstained shirt, bloodstained jeans, and a mobile phone.

Currently, his party is still investigating the motive for this murder, whether there is an element of revenge that caused the perpetrator to kill the victim viciously, resulting in nine stab wounds.

"The suspect is currently undergoing intensive examination at the OKU Police Headquarters to reveal the motive for the murder," he said.

According to him, the suspect will be charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder with the threat of death penalty, life imprisonment, or a maximum of 20 years.

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